Thursday, February 10, 2005

Welcome to Archer Prairie!

Archer Prairie is an In-home Day Care for toddlers age 18 months to four years old, nestled in the beautiful countryside of Archer, FL. Here, parents can expect to find:

n a child-centered focus, with an entire room of the house partitioned as the children's play area. You will find that my large living-room has been transformed into a child-friendly play area, with books, toys, play-scarves, soft rugs, blankets, natural light, and a small, child-sized table and set of chairs. It has one purpose only--to accomodate the needs of small children.

n lots of room for kids to run. A large, fenced yard with a nice balance of trees and open area. Here in the yard is a gigantic wooden sandbox, a flower and vegetable garden, and plenty of age-appropriate toys for kids to climb and ride on.

n animals to love and take care of. Bunnies and chickens to feed and learn about.

n gentle and loving care from a woman who has a toddler of her own. A place for your child to learn and grow with other toddlers in a toddler-centered environment.

Archer Praire will open its doors once it becomes licensed in May, 2005. For more information, please contact Melissa at

We love to play outside. Posted by Hello

My son, Issac, 2 yrs. Posted by Hello